Shoulder pain is a common complaint. Because the shoulder is an extremely complicated joint there are usually many causes or contributing factors to this problem. Pain can come from misalignment in the neck, shoulder, clavicle, scapula, and even the ribs. Life Force Health Chiropractic is recognized as a specialist in extremity adjusting for shoulder pain.


"No Surgery, thanks to Dr. Peter! As someone who could only lift his right arm with extreme shoulder pain for a long time, I am very great full for what Dr. Peter accomplished. After 1 MRI and a couple months of intensive treatment and exercises, I am totally free of pain. I have my full range of motion back and I feel GREAT. It seems to me almost like a miracle, what Dr. Peter accomplished. After a surgeon, I consulted in the beginning, told me, "surgery is the way to go."Thank God I listened to Dr. Peter. Your great full patient "
~ Horst T.